Big ‡ Brave // Gnod // OvO:::live at Circolo Dong

Big ‡ Brave // Gnod // OvO:::live at Circolo Dong

Saturday 4 November
Circolo Dong
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Siamo stra orgogliosi e super euforici nel presentarvi una tra le serate piu attese e che piu ci stanno a cuore da quando il Circolo Dong ha vita.
Tre band clamorose, provenienti da tre diversi angoli del globo, riunite in un solo tour per tre sole date in Italia.
Ladies & gentlemen, in collaborazione con:
Swamp Booking
Big Brave [Canada] - Gnod [England] - OvO [Italy

Il super trio canadese, da ottobre in tour per presentare il loro ultimo album in uscita per Southern Lord Records.

La band/collettivo Gnod, sempre in trasformazione, torna in Italia con il devastante live del loro ultimo album ''Just Say No to the Psycho Right-Wing Capitalist Fascist Industrial Death Machine''

Gl OvO invece, ormai cult band nell underground nazionale (e non solo) tornerà al Circolo Dong a distanza di un anno per presentarci il loro ultimo album (uscito per DioDrone) ''Creatura''

[artwork by Vanni Fabbri]


Ingresso [Riservato soci AICS]
8 eu - prevendita/prenotazione
10 eu - alla cassa


:::::::Line Up::::::

Big ‡ Brave

Dj Smegma / pre-post-intorno


Big ‡ Brave [Montreal/Quebec - CAN // Southern Lord Rec.]
Montreal's Big ‡ Brave worship at an altar made of loud guitars and drums, whose presence and sound EXPANDS, never crushes. Other ministers of this sonic cathedral would respond to the names of Swans, OM, Sunn o))) (with which they shared various tours across the USA and Europe), Earth and Goodspeed You! Black Emperor, although the final amalgam bears clearly a personal touch, especially in Robin Wattie's vocals, soaring over the maelstrom like an albatross announcing the end of the storm – but it's quite not there, rolling cumuli painting a grey picture of clashing elements.
The upcoming tour will see them performing music from their third full lenght, „Ardor“, out again on Southern Lord Records. The recordings for this new album have taken place under the expert guidance of Radwan Ghazi Moumneh of experimental ensemble Jerusalem In My Heart and feature once again the violin of Jessica Moss (Thee Silver Mt Zion Memorial Orchestra ), who already lent her talent on previous album „Au De La“ , plus Thierry Amar 's (GY!BE) contrabass on two of the tracks. The band will traverse the continent for almost a month, starting on October 21st.



OvO [Ravenna - IT // DioDrone]
OvO has always been one of the most active bands in the worldwide noisy rock scene. They have been known pretty much everywhere through their 900 and more gigs, their large amount of releases, including albums, singles, collaborations, tracks on compilations, dvds, and for their original, unique music. They’re a duo, formed by a little possessed singer and guitar player (Stefania Pedretti) and an enormous drummer who plays a mini-set like it was a full metal drum set. Their live performances are legendary, and they’ve played them all over the world, with extensive tours in Europe, North America, Mexico, Asia, including a lot of the main festivals.
What they do is not easy to file. It’s not noise, not metal, not doom, not punk, not rock and roll, even if there’s a little bit of all these. Certainly it’s not free nor avant nor improv. For once, we can really say that it’s a band you can’t file.
After some full lengths on their label Bar La Muerte, they release albums on American labels such as legendary Load records and Blossoming Noise, then two albums on Supernatural Cat. Their new album “CREATURA” will be released by Dio Drone.
They collaborated or played with the most important names of contemporary experimental rock music, and they worked for cinema projects (Frankenstein, Nosferatu) and theatre (“Aeneis V” by Lenz).
“CREATURA” continues and developes their research on mixing heavy music with electronic sounds in a natural and personal way, keeping them as a mysterious object in the worldwide scene for 18 years.



Gnod [Salford - GB / Rocket Recordings]
Gnod is a British krautrock band from Salford, Greater Manchester, England. Formed in 2006, the band was described in a review of its 2011 release Ingnodwetrust as "a collective from Manchester with an ever-rotating list of members". Its current lineup is Paddy Shine, Chris Haslam, Marlene Ribeiro and Neil Francis.
In addition to releasing its work on Rocket Recordings, the band's own Tesla Tapes label serves, according to its Bandcamp page, as "an outlet for musical projects and meanderings by Gnodheads past, present & future and friends of Gnod all over the world".

As part of its residency at the Islington Mill Art Academy, the band curated "Tangent", an installation by sound artist Callum Higgins. According to the academy's website, the event "transformed our club space into a fully immersive, light reactive environment. Using the PA system and light sensitive noise creating circuits people were directed into to the room in small groups equipped with only a torch to guide them around. Their very presence and behaviour in the room manipulated and shaped their unique experience.
The band also participates in a recurring shared club night at Islington Mill called Gesamtkunstwerk, (German for "whole arts work".) Reviewing a Gnod performance there, New Musical Express said, "this band are crazy good ... see them live now."

According to founding Gnod member Paddy Shine, Tesla Tapes takes its name from Nikola Tesla; band members cite such other non-musical influences as Kurt Vonnegut, David Simon, Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake. Asked what the band would like to tell the world, Chris Haslam responds "Rebel! Rebel! We are many, they are few!"


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calamity jane over 7 years ago