Macao, Friday 13th March 2020, Sine Confine presents:
Pelada, Catu Diosis, Yantan Ministry, Sonia Garcia & Amazon Prim
"Movimiento Para Cambio" is Pelada's urgent, headstrong debut LP for PAN, using music as a mechanism for delivering ideas central to the group’s moral and political ethos. In incendiary Spanish language tones, Vargas explores themes of power, identity, surveillance and environmental justice atop Rochman’s raw mix of rave synths, acid basslines, breakbeats and dembow rhythms - a fast and loose formula that feels keyed into the current global social-political milieu, and translates to a galvanising live show that will spring dancefloors to action in festival contexts, switched-on club zones and punk bunkers alike.
Pelada hope to inspire critical self- reflexivity through engagement, building power, demanding space and action. Or as it is written in their liner notes: ‘ABRE TUS OJOS, LA BESTIA SE ALIMENTA DE LA EXPLOTACIÓN’ which translates to ‘OPEN YOUR EYES, THE BEAST FEEDS ON EXPLOITATION’.
Catu Diosis
Nyege Nyege Festival Boiler Room:
Catu dioisis is a young Kampala based dj and producer that has been digging and playing underground music since 2016. She is quite experimental with her music selection depending on the vibe of her gigs. However, it is obvious that she fell in love with afro inspired bass music.
Journalist, fashion designer and core member of the Nyege Nyege crew, Catu Diosis is a force to be reckoned with on the East African club scene. Her Afro, booty-friendly music and tendency too pick up the tempo and blend the genres are what have made her sauce so unique and sweat inducing.
Yantan Ministry
Raw Red Redux release on Country Music, 2019
Yantan Ministry has a folkloristic understanding of underground dance music and DJ sets, as well as in their own music. The tug of war between past and future is one of the forces in the creation and re-creation of sentiments they cater to in their sets. Belonging to those who engage with it, music that values variants and change - uncontrolled, driven, ecstatic. They self-released their Attacco Mixtape in 2018, and an interpretative piece, “Raw Red Redux”, on swedish label Country Music in 2019, produced commissioned remixes of mobilegirl’s and Diamond Terrifier Cypher’s work, and have produced radio mixes for Endgame’s NTS Precious Metals show, Staycore’s Rinse FM show, and as guest on Soda Plains’ Rinse FM show. They currently live and work in Berlin.
Amazon Prim
Amazon Prim is an emergent DJ based in Italy but born in Brasilia, a city characterized by its cultural diversity, miscegenation, and syncretism. Her environment directly influenced her music style, exploring the edges of experimental club music and the rhythms of the black diaspora from the Global South. She released her first mixtape with Tormenta Crew, that currently represents the source of the most eccentric and unbridled material for the music scene in Brazil. Since then she worked with other collectives around the world such as Salviatek (Uruguay), Desculonizacion (Mexico), Club Adriatico (Italy) and many others
Sonia Garcia
Sonia Garcia is a Italy-born peruvian of andean descent writer and dj, based in Milan. Her sets celebrate latinx club culture, diasporic experiences and resistances, exploring through sound the notions of healing, identity and (non) belonging.
Entry 5 euro
From 23:00 to 05:00
Macao è uno spazio di tutt_, per tutt_, che si impegna perché ogni individuo che lo attraversa si senta pienamente accolt_ e amat_.
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Celebriamo la libertà di espressione di ogni tipo di sessualità e genere di appartenenza e coltiviamo la contaminazione come forma più nobile di conoscenza e crescita individuale e collettiva.
SIAMO ORGOGLIOSAMENTE QUEER, pansessuali, pervers_ e polimorf_.
Entrando in questo spazio accetti questi termini e condizioni, e ti impegni a rapportarti con rispetto assoluto alle sensibilità e ai corpi che lo abitano.
Nuovo Centro per le Arti, la Cultura, la Ricerca
Viale Molise 68, Milano