// "Punk's taught us that you don't need to know how to play an instrument to make music. Milano Chiptune Underground is teaching us that you don't even need an instrument to make music."
//// "In a world ruled by programmed obsolescence, where every object becomes garbage after a couple years, the chiptune scene digs in the trash and reinvents abbandoned technologies, crafting new ways to express itself and to make people move on the dancefloors"
////// "The goal of Milano Chiptune Underground is to show people what 8bit music is capable of. Organizing itinerant parties where you can listen, dance and enjoy firstly good electronic music, where the commodores and the nintendos are not gimmicks, but mediums of comunication as strong as "real" instruments can be."
// Saturday September 21st 2019
//// Macao, Milano
////// Milano Chiptune Underground, Episode #009
// From 22.30 till 04:00
//// MCU Live Showcase with:
// boaconstructor (US)
// Dot.AY (AUS)
// arottenbit (IT)
// Kenobit (IT)
// Tonylight (IT)
// Pablito El Drito (IT)
// 0r4 (IT/D)
// IanO (IT)
// VJing e Visual Mapping by:
//// Murda Sam (IT)
//// nazzilla (IT)
// Entry Fee 5 Euro
//// Digital Flyer by Francesca97
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