Following the opening of "Primitive Contemporary" by Marine Julié, Bikini Art Residency will host a frantic party, in a new location: a parade around a fire, a kind of sacred contemporary ritual and dance to sexuality and empowerment, the interplay between two existences. Music, basses, electronic lights and other interferences are part of a contemporary enchantment, which perhaps relates to a primordial instinct to celebrate life and expiate death; a weird mix that suspends the burdens of both.
For more information about the exhibition "Primitive Contemporary" by Marine Julié, please visit Bikini Art Residency at
Music by Unfollowers, a music curation project and a weekly radio show on Radio Raheem that celebrates music and rhythm, hosted by Mattia Ramberti & Ruggero Isacchi.
Music by Dj/Producer Vesy represented by Space Label and The pool house Chicago.
Lights by OLO creative farm
Thanks to Campari served by Nadya Hope
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