Dreamachine - Benedikt Frey & Hiver at TDFP

Dreamachine - Benedikt Frey & Hiver at TDFP

Saturday 14 December
Tempio del futuro perduto
Milano (MI)
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A perpetual path of sounds and lights

AGORA' - Selezione musicale a cura di:

Benedikt Frey
[Hivern Disc - ESP Institute - GR]
Benedikt Frey, german producer, DJ and founder of the Label Love Pain Sunshine & Rain (abbreviated Lopasura), grew up in times of accelerated technological change during the late 90's but with the static view of the beautiful black forrest surrounding his hometown.

Influenced mainly by electronic music from an early age on, Frey is a musician who remains in constant motion and embraces change fearlessly. In his own words: “The more I know about the profound mystery of music the less I feel the necessity to talk about it. It is an ongoing work in progress, there are no words needed”.

With releases on Mule Electronics, Ethereal Sound and Live at Robert Johnson, Frey outlined his own interpretation of house music. Well arranged phasing patterns and blending harmonic motives define his sound signature.

During his sound studies near the city Frankfurt am Main and due to his growing interest in jazz-, krautrock- and minimal music compositions, his productions gained more and more complexity and vividness. This wide sphere of interest in music culture, does not only impact the timbre of his productions, it furthermore effects various ways of building up arrangements, development in mixing decisions and several kinds of rhythmic structures.
The latest releases show a fine development in primarily analogue use of sounds, to a combination of acoustic and electronic elements, giving his compositions a vibrant aesthetic.

Frey's work presents the interdependence of exploring and producing music, his own compositions are distinctly affected by his latest record repertoire and the other way around. In addition to that, he aims to evoke a dramaturgy in both fields. "There is always something I feel the urge to realize and play with. Let it be a certain instrument,
technique or movement that attracts my attention. Figuratively speaking, I started playing my Gameboy and I'm still playing, but with my DAW."

This man is definitely playing, with expectations, during his DJ sets there is always that turning twist when the tension that was built up so gently is suddenly cooling down to make space for the final culmination. As producer, DJ and Label owner Benedikt Frey is keen to be a part of this static movement in music culture.

[Curle Recordings - IT]

As said by the so missed Juno Plus: “The middle ground between US and European electronic music is where the work of Hiver exists”.
Echoing melodies and haunting rhythms, Giuseppe Albrizio and Sergio Caio, have given form to Hiver back in 2012. Since then, they’ve started defining their aesthetic path: Their debut Ep “A Day”, on Vidab Records, has been followed by the highly acclaimed “Blue Aconite” Ep, released via Curle Recordings and including a Tobias. remix.
Thanks to this releases, Hiver’s name started to be reckon worldwide. Clubs and festival promoters has soon started taking note of their works, as testified by their shows at Panorama bar, Dimensions Festival, ADE, Oval Space, Rio De Janeiro and a 5 shows Asia tour, just to name a few.
With other 3 EPs signed on Curle, appearance on Luke Hess’s Deeplabs label and further releases on Obscura, LET and Fides, the ground is set to allow Hiver to push their sound to a further level.


@RE_light - Studio di light design, amplifica l'esperienza con contributi visivi essenziali.


Replica dell'opera di B. Gysin.
Libera le tue visioni avvicinandoti e chiudendo gli occhi.

La dreamachine è stata inventata nel 1959 da Brion Gysin, scrittore, viaggiatore e sperimentatore inglese.
Si tratta del primo oggetto nella storia concepito per essere guardato con gli occhi chiusi.
Un cilindro perforato che, disposto su un giradischi, utilizza la luce di una lampadina e delle piccole finestre rotanti per simulare le sensazioni provate nelle prime fasi del sonno.
La rotazione del cilindro permette infatti alla luce di lampeggiare ad una frequenza tra le 8 e le 13 pulsazioni al secondo, che corrisponde al tasso di onde alfa prodotte dal cervello umano quando quest'ultimo si trova in stato di rilassamento e dormiveglia.
Il lampeggiamento della dreamachine, alterando l'attività elettrica cerebrale, permette di avere delle vere e proprie visioni "proiettate" dietro le palpebre, che danno a chi l'utilizza l'impressione di stare sognando in maniera cosciente.

Per maggiori informazioni riguardo l’opera e il suo inventore vi consigliamo la visione del documentario FlicKeR di Nic Sheehan:

Artworb by: Relbaum
Ingresso con contributo di 5€ portando in Dono un indumento usato da destinare ai senzatetto della zona o ad Opera San Francesco o un sacco a pelo nuovo/usato da regalare a Comunità Sant'Egidio per il progetto Senza Dimora.

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Signor Nerto over 5 years ago