A question of balance.
Often underestimated is the role of a DJ who has the task of the warm up, or rather, to set the vibration for the evening: there are those who do it with superficiality or sloppiness, but some do so with perfect attention to equilibrium, setting the tone, o the ideal key for the main guest to express himself at his very best, to and transmit happiness.
Zero does not feel at all diminished in playing this role. On the contrary: it is, and he does well to think this, a perfect spot to chisel ones selections suspended between a more or less Detroit dub and techno matrix, with an emotional depth always looking for great and calibrated intensity.
A question of balance.
Often underestimated is the role of a DJ who has the task of the warm up, or rather, to set the vibration for the evening: there are those who do it with superficiality or sloppiness, but some do so with perfect attention to equilibrium, setting the tone, o the ideal key for the main guest to express himself at his very best, to and transmit happiness.
Zero does not feel at all diminished in playing this role. On the contrary: it is, and he does well to think this, a perfect spot to chisel ones selections suspended between a more or less Detroit dub and techno matrix, with an emotional depth always looking for great and calibrated intensity.
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