Andrea Casiraghi (Bambusbär) and Gabriele Frigerio (Gabri) aka WIRRWARR, born in Milan by the huggest techno and minimal clubs.
Both prefer immediately dark sounds and explosive tracks that make them the youngest techno duo in North Italy.
In a mixture of ideas and sounds they realize they can offer a music that shakes and burns the clubs they're hosted in.
The monthly residency at Magazzini Generali wednesday nights was only the first big step of a story that has yet to be written...
Andrea Casiraghi (Bambusbär) and Gabriele Frigerio (Gabri) aka WIRRWARR, born in Milan by the huggest techno and minimal clubs.
Both prefer immediately dark sounds and explosive tracks that make them the youngest techno duo in North Italy.
In a mixture of ideas and sounds they realize they can offer a music that shakes and burns the clubs they're hosted in.
The monthly residency at Magazzini Generali wednesday nights was only the first big step of a story that has yet to be written...
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