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With the continuing success of dancehall and it’s influence on pop music worldwide, the buzz is on: Who are the next superstars to rise from Jamaica’s bottomless musical psyche? If you ask The New York Times, it’s T.O.K. the reggae/R&B infused harmonious quartet who the paper hailed as “the world’s greatest dancehall-reggae boy band.” Unlike reggae dancehall crooners of yesteryear, Xavier “Flexx” Davidson, Craig “Craig T” Thompson, Alistaire “Alex” McCalla, and Roshaun “Bay-C” Clarke – the crew of 20 something Kingstonians collectively known as T.O.K. - don’t need to hunt down the right Stateside hybrid to take their music worldwide.

|||T.O.K. é un gruppo di dancehall originario di Kingston (Giamaica). Sono conosciuti per pezzi come "Footprints", "Gal You Ah Lead", "Chi Chi Man" e "Eagles Cry". Il pezzo "Chi Chi Man" è ritenuto controverso per i contenuti violenti ed omofobici

T.O.K. originariamente stava per "Touch Of Klass", successivamente "Taking Over Kingston" o "Too Klaat".|||cit. wikipedia

With the continuing success of dancehall and it’s influence on pop music worldwide, the buzz is on: Who are the next superstars to rise from Jamaica’s bottomless musical psyche? If you ask The New York Times, it’s T.O.K. the reggae/R&B infused harmonious quartet who the paper hailed as “the world’s greatest dancehall-reggae boy band.” Unlike reggae dancehall crooners of yesteryear, Xavier “Flexx” Davidson, Craig “Craig T” Thompson, Alistaire “Alex” McCalla, and Roshaun “Bay-C” Clarke – the crew of 20 something Kingstonians collectively known as T.O.K. - don’t need to hunt down the right Stateside hybrid to take their music worldwide.

|||T.O.K. é un gruppo di dancehall originario di Kingston (Giamaica). Sono conosciuti per pezzi come "Footprints", "Gal You Ah Lead", "Chi Chi Man" e "Eagles Cry". Il pezzo "Chi Chi Man" è ritenuto controverso per i contenuti violenti ed omofobici

T.O.K. originariamente stava per "Touch Of Klass", successivamente "Taking Over Kingston" o "Too Klaat".|||cit. wikipedia

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