Rafael Anton Irisarri is an American composer, multi-instrumentalist and media artist based in Seattle, Washington, predominantly associated with post-minimalist, drone and ambient music.
He is also known as the main member of electronic music/shoegaze act The Sight Below (onGhostly International).
His placid compositions utilize ostinato motifs containing short melodic phrases. Reverb-drenched guitar textures, drones, field recordings, submerged piano notes, strings and minimal electronic counterpoints all contribute and converge equally in the music to create an oceanic experience that can be both epic and subdued. His music has been described by The Wirecontributing writer Jefferson Petrey as "a dual perspective close-up focus on the micro textures of rustling static-filled sonic surfaces with the wide-open distant tree lined horizons of sunset at dusk."
Rafael Anton Irisarri is an American composer, multi-instrumentalist and media artist based in Seattle, Washington, predominantly associated with post-minimalist, drone and ambient music.
He is also known as the main member of electronic music/shoegaze act The Sight Below (onGhostly International).
His placid compositions utilize ostinato motifs containing short melodic phrases. Reverb-drenched guitar textures, drones, field recordings, submerged piano notes, strings and minimal electronic counterpoints all contribute and converge equally in the music to create an oceanic experience that can be both epic and subdued. His music has been described by The Wirecontributing writer Jefferson Petrey as "a dual perspective close-up focus on the micro textures of rustling static-filled sonic surfaces with the wide-open distant tree lined horizons of sunset at dusk."
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