Pagoda is a band from Brooklyn, New York with Michael Pitt as vocalist and guitarist, along with Reece Carr on drums, Willie Paredes on bass, and Chris Hoffman on cello. Their first self-titled album was released February 27, 2007. The name Pagoda comes from the Asian-type building style. As Pitt put it, "It was really just one of the names that didn't suck fucking shit as much as the others."
Pagoda is a band from Brooklyn, New York with Michael Pitt as vocalist and guitarist, along with Reece Carr on drums, Willie Paredes on bass, and Chris Hoffman on cello. Their first self-titled album was released February 27, 2007. The name Pagoda comes from the Asian-type building style. As Pitt put it, "It was really just one of the names that didn't suck fucking shit as much as the others."
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