Oneohtrix Point Never

filosofo • musicista
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Oneohtrix Point Never is the recording name of Brooklyn-based experimental musician Daniel Lopatin, whose album Returnal was released by Editions Mego in June 2010. Lopatin's music is composed and performed primarily on vintage synthesizers, and has been described as "drone or ambient music", "gentle eddies of sound"[5] and "like a cracked mirror refracting the sounds of the past".
Lopatin was chosen by Animal Collective to perform at the All Tomorrow's Parties festival that they curated in May 2011.

Oneohtrix Point Never is the recording name of Brooklyn-based experimental musician Daniel Lopatin, whose album Returnal was released by Editions Mego in June 2010. Lopatin's music is composed and performed primarily on vintage synthesizers, and has been described as "drone or ambient music", "gentle eddies of sound"[5] and "like a cracked mirror refracting the sounds of the past".
Lopatin was chosen by Animal Collective to perform at the All Tomorrow's Parties festival that they curated in May 2011.

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fantabongio circa 14 anni fa